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Shop & Share
Do you know how your team performs ... Do you really?

Secret Shopper
In the fall of 2012, Collected Concepts was asked by the Illinois and Chicago Jewelers’ organization to secretly shop 14 stores in Illinois and creating a presentation based on the findings. This presentation was delivered to retailers in seminars held in Chicago and Springfield. The results of the secret shopping exercise were extremely revealing – even disturbing in terms of the sales behavior and customer service basics that are being overlooked or ignored. Examples include:
The number of associates that asked for the customer’s name: 0
The number of associates that provided their name to the customer: 1
The number of associates that used Features and Benefits: 2
The number of associates that mentioned upcoming events: 0
The number of associates that that “asked for the sale”: 0
The number of associates that asked the customer for contact information: 0
These results led to the development of the new Shop & Share program: A targeted secret shopping program designed to provide a retailer with an actual snapshot of how customers are treated in their store.
How the program works:
The program can be adjusted to fit your needs, however we suggest sticking to the program basics the first time through.
The retailer identifies three “winning behaviors” that will be targeted during the program.
These behaviors are announced to associates prior to the “secret shop”.
During an eight-week period each of the retailer’s stores will be shopped twice. If during the first encounter the sales associate acts upon all three winning behaviors, they are rewarded with a $50 Visa gift card. During the second encounter demonstrating these behaviors will earn them a $100 Visa gift card. Or another corresponding prize identified by the retailer.
Upon completion Collected Concepts creates a summary report and then delivers an on-site seminar revealing the results to all in attendance. The purpose of this seminar is to educate, not criticize. While lost opportunities will be identified, individuals will not be named and only solutions will be provided. This is a very interactive and powerful experience for your team.
In addition to reporting on the in-store experience, your company’s online presence will be evaluated as well.
Behaviors to Consider Targeting
The following is a short list of behaviors is for your consideration. If you have others you would like to target during the program you simply need to advise us.
Asks for the sale
Exchanges names
Gets merchandise on the customer
Captures contact information including email address
Turn-overs the sale
Uses Features & Benefits